"Go and preach the gospel unto the ends of the earth…" Matt. 28:20 Our church has vision towards the unreached villages of our nation still bound by traditions, superstitious beliefs and poverty. We have a team of members to take care of this village ministry."

"God is in that city, and it will be never destroyed; at early dawn he will come to its aid" PSALMS 46:5 The ministries of our Church is not limited only to South India but is extended even to the most vulnerable parts of India having branches in North India also."

"We are conducting a Bible class in part time under the banner "Palum Thenum Bible College". The students vary in all aspects - both the young and the old are in the class with different educational background. This is a 3 years course with 6 semesters covering almost all the topics of that of a regular bible college course."

"Every Sunday immediately after the second service we have classes for the children. Through this we are reaching not only the children but also their parents. Around 300 children are attending with 25 dedicated teachers taking care for the children."

"The strength of the church is also weighed by the ministry among the Youth. A regular youth meeting takes place in between the first and second service every Sunday. Nearly 120 youth take part in this meeting to strengthen themselves in the Lord."

Believers and non-believers from all the direction of the city of Chennai make their way to A.C.A Pallavaram on Sundays to hear God's Word. There are many new believers who sometimes may go unnoticed in the church and some from other faiths unable to attend the church service on Sundays due to various constraints. To enable such families and to take more care of such people CARE-CELL ministry was started.

We are involved in sharing the love of Christ not merely in words but also in action by way of caring for and helping the orphan children, supporting the widows and supporting the poor and deprived families.We were able to visit the people badly affected by Tsunami and give them some help. We chose one of the villages near to Mahabalipuram and gave food grains to 50 families along with fishing nets to 10 fishermen.

This mission of building churches all over Tamilnadu started during the month of December 2013 and by the grace of God, we have so far dedicated 68 Churches for His glory. Praise the Lord!!!! May God bless this project "MISSION" to build many more churches in our country.

We are also preaching the word of God through TV channels.

Indian Time: 19:00 to 19:30